Im a very old American granny. During covid got addicted to Chinese dramas. Watched as the nightmare began for Xiao Zhan and was very confused! Not much available in English. But I became extremely curious about the sheer power of Chinese fandom. It’s a force unparalleled anywhere else, as you say. And ripe for study! Thank you for your work. Im looking forward to more insights and analyses. πŸ‘πŸΌ

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Absolutely fascinating, and an accurate analysis. Thanks!

Is there a corollary to Chinese fandom anywhere else? It seems unique and quite powerful.

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the piece :)

You're so right - the reason why I started this publication is precisely because it's almost incomparable to fandom elsewhere, even the ones in East Asia despite having a great deal of cultural industry overlaps. The mix of China's political complications and unique economic model gave rise to an interesting and understudied community that's basically a researcher's jackpot... stay tuned for further updates, haha!

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